The biggest financial organization in the Middle East has set course into the future, with a set of new strategic aspirations that cement the leadership place of NCB in the […]
Background Knowledge-based industries are up and coming. Equally vital for our country, is the offering of this unique Knowledge Economic City, where the beacon of knowledge and faith spreads hope […]
Case Studies
KEC – Knowledge Economic City
Background Saudi Ministry of Labor spearheads the reform of the national productivity market and rehabilitation of our human resources to advance the Kingdom towards more development, economic stability and power. […]
Case Studies
Ministry of Labor Rebranding
Overview By virtue of Saudi Arabia’s history in aviation, Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries commands regional respect among its peers, partners, and customers. As an organization with promising homegrown talent, and […]
Case Studies
SAEI Rebranding
Outset A healthcare giant is in the awakening with a partnership between the private sector and GOSI that established the National Medical Care Company in 2003; an entreprise with a […]